Industrials & electronics

Industrials and electronics do come hand in hand, as most machinery and equipment in industrials use some type of electronics to become operational. In addition, both fields need skilled engineers to guarantee the quality and safety of every project.

The following are some of the key trends in electronics that will affect the overall designs of industrial equipment.

Key trends in electronics that will affect industrial designs


Aside from the continuous technological advancements in digitalisation and automation, these trends are driven by the increasing demand to lower, or at least, minimize the manufacturing costs of industrial equipment while still meeting customer demands for a more efficient and eco-friendlier equipment.


1.     The call for green electronics


With issues of global warming and its consequences, nations across the globe are actively working together to reduce the sources of carbon emission.

This means that the amount of pressure that people feel to use green products and solutions is the same regardless of whether they are a business owner, a consumer, or the local government.

Although various organisations are spending enormous amounts of money on research, the possibility for practical implementation still has a long way to go. The problem is that converting from traditional to more environmentally-friendly machines is not as easy as it sounds.

Manufacturers will be forced to develop new methods and procedures to accommodate the new machines. Another challenge is building an energy-efficient electronic component without hiking up its price.


2.     Strategic partnerships will be key to possibly controlling the costs


Outsourcing product design and development to electronics manufacturing services (EMS) became the hottest trend for original equipment manufacturers (OEM) since 2016. This resulted in the decrease of overall manufacturing costs.

Due to this positive output, new opportunities became available for businesses, particularly in trying other strategic partnerships to increase profit margin.

The more these strategic partnerships come into fruition, the more likely companies are to expand and provide new services to their customers.


3.      The increasing demand for smart technologies


Smart technology is slowly taking over the world–from mobile devices to whole houses, and it is not showing any signs of slowing down as electronics manufacturers create partnerships with technology experts.

Smart technology offers a highly significant potential revenue. However, questions remain about the connectivity, adaptability, and practicality of converting equipment to keep up with the evolving demands of business owners.


Partnering with Nitrexo


As previously mentioned, strategic partnership is a growing trend that businesses can profit from. However, organisations must choose their partners carefully if they do not want to end up with shabby, unreliable products that don’t reflect their core business.

With Nitrexo’s team of expert engineers, business owners can face the current industry challenges and profits by designing the best solutions based on current trends in the industrial and electronics sectors.